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Snow token is designed to be used as a medium of exchange. The built-in stability mechanism in the protocol aims to maintain Snow pegged 1:1 with $JOE in the long run.
Note that Snow actively pegs via the algorithm, it does not mean it will be valued at 1:1 $JOE at all times as it is not collateralized. Snow is not to be confused for crypto or fiat-backed stable coin.
FROSTs are one of the ways to measure the value of the Frosty Protocol and shareholder trust in its ability to maintain $SNOW close to peg. During epoch expansions the protocol mints $SNOW and distributes it proportionally to all $FROST holders who have staked their tokens in the Boardroom.
ICE Bonds (ICE) main job is to help incentivize changes in $SNOW supply during an epoch contraction period. When the TWAP (Time Weighted Average Price) of $SNOW falls below 1:1 $JOE, $ICEs are issued and can be bought with $SNOW at the current price. Exchanging $SNOW for $ICE burns $SNOWtokens, taking them out of circulation (deflation) and helping to get the price back up to peg. These $ICE can be redeemed for $SNOW when the price is above peg in the future, plus an extra incentive for the longer they are held above peg. This amounts to inflation and sales pressure for $SNOW when it is above peg, helping to push it back toward 1 $SNOW to 1 $JOE ratio. Contrary to early algorithmic protocols, $ICEs do not have expiration dates. If your $SNOW is below peg go to the bond page and buy some $ICE. Exchange $SNOW for $ICE and redeem after peg is above 1.1 to receive a bonus of $SNOW All holders are able to redeem their $ICE for $SNOW tokens as long as the treasury has a positive $SNOW balance, which typically happens when the protocol is in epoch expansion periods.